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Giggle and Grin Professional Face and Body Art for all ages...
Awaken the joy in a child,...
and the child in an adult.
There was a time in my life,
when I simply could not comprehend
how an artist could invest so much energy and love
into creating a sand castle...or an ice sculpture...or a face painting,
just to have it washed away.
It seemed to me that art should be...resilient... should last as
an enduring tribute to the effort and creativity of the artist
who put heart and soul into creating something unique and beautiful.
But life has taught me that beauty isn't about time or longevity.
It is ultimately about the moment.
When I chose to become a face and body artist,...
I found that moment,
that singular moment, after a child has trusted me
to use their precious little face as my living canvas.
There is one infinitely perfect moment when they look into the mirror, contemplating what I have created, ...and they smile.
It is not the smile you get when you are taking their photograph..
.it is not rehearsed, not summoned...
That smile is spontaneous and comes from the heart.
That smile is my reward
and is precisely why I do what I do.
Please call (530) 401-7878 for more information about packages, rates, and availability.
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